A downloadable game for Windows

Classic arcade game Joust--remade, re-themed.

The birds have cursed the ocean, killing all fish in it. Defeat the birds and take back the sea!

Go higher than enemies to kill them on hit; if you hit them at a significantly lower range, you will lose a life.  Collect the eggs before they hatch!

Players can also drop bombs on E, which kills enemies on hit.


A/D or arrow keys: Move left/right

Space: Flap

E: Drop Bomb


April Gong (Programmer)

Dash Menschik (Artist)

Josh Lukin (Programmer)

Nicholas Lin (Sound Designer)

Sania Gupta (Producer/Artist)

NHSGA 2022


JoustMacBuild.zip 33 MB
JoustWindowsBuild.zip 36 MB

Install instructions

For Mac users:

If build does not open after downloading, type the following in Terminal:

cd (filepath to where the build is) (Example: cd Downloads/)

chmod a+x JoustMacBuild.app/Contents/MacOS/*